Location of the android sdk has not been setup in the preferences in mac os?

I am installing the Android SDK along with Eclipse in mac os. Whenever I try to start a new project development I get an error location of the android sdk has not been setup in the preferences

How do I resolve this problem?

Hi try this in eclipse: Window - Preferences - Android - SDK Location and setup SDK path.

I got this message after updating eclipse platform-tools and tools from the SDK Manager and then it was impossible to update the SDK path because I had an old version of ADT plugin.

Whenever you get this error message in a prompt right after eclipse loaded, you should do the following:

  1. Go to Help - Install new software
  2. Click on Available software sites
  3. Delete the link http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/
  4. Reboot eclipse
  5. Go to Help - Install new software
  6. In the box "Work with" add http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/ again
  7. Install ADT and accept whatever that prompts.

This is how my problem with this message got solved.

I saw this error after updating the Android SDK to r17. The solution was to go to Help -> Update and get the latest version of the Android SDK to match.

I experienced this problem and fixed it by updating to the latest Android SDK Tools which in my case was 20.0.3

I am running Mac OSX Lion 10.7.4

If ever you encounter errors while updating the SDK Tools try deleting

http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/ from the "Available Software Sites" in Eclipse, and adding it again.

If you have not installed plugin for eclipse, install it first.

If the plugin is installed, setup preferences: "Eclipse">"Preferences...", in left column choose "Android"(do not expand list, just choose root element), and first preference will be "SDK Location".