HTML pair tag highlight alternative for Geany editor on Ubuntu 14.04

Is there any plugin or other option to achieve this functionality. What I want is if I select an opening tag or place cursor near to it its matching closing tag should be highlighted either through a straight line or changing colour of both the opening and closing tags.

I search the net for it and found out that one such plugin existed called pairtaghighlighter but it is not supported now.

So I ask for some other plugin which achieves same functionality.

You can install the pairtaghighlighter plugin from the geany-plugins master branch. Open a terminal and type the following commands:

sudo apt-get install git
cd /tmp
git clone
cd geany-plugins/
sed -i 's/1.24/1.23/' wscript
./waf configure --enable-plugins=pairtaghighlighter
make all
sudo make install

Restart Geany and enable the plugin in Tools -> Plugin Manager:

enter image description here

Now you can easily highlight the two tags:

enter image description here