Changing the default program for an application

Solution 1:

first of all, add your new MimeType :

from the terminal open sudo gedit and copy the code bellow

[Desktop Entry]
Icon=my/icon/path                           <-- optional (for the file icon)
Patterns=*.xxx                              <--- my file extention 
MimeType=application/myAppName              <--- the mimetype of the file
Comment=My Comment

and save it to /usr/share/mimelnk/application/myApp.desktop "replace myapp with your app

linking your app with this mimetype:

use ubuntu Tweaks to link the file type with your app

note: the wine apps is located on the path /home/<userName>/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Notepad++

also you can use locate 'yourApp.exe' to find its path

Solution 2:

It sounds strange. When I go to Properties I do find the applications in the Open with list.

Right-click on a .exe file, click properties, choose the Open With tab, choose Wine (if not present in the list click "Show other applications" and click "Set as default."

That's it.

Solution 3:

i have solved this problem with ubuntu Tweaks it has a software manager that you can set default program for each file type ...