How can you suggest the addition of a new package?

This page has information on how to request a new package.

To get a package into Ubuntu, please file a bug in Launchpad and make sure it has the tag needs-packaging. Please mention where to get the source for it and which license it is under. An example request is here. Make sure you check which packages have already been requested.

You will have to first file a RFP (Request For Packaging) bug in Debian against wnpp (Work-Needing and Prospective Packages) :

Work-Needing and Prospective Packages, WNPP for short, is a list of packages in need of new maintainers and prospective packages in Debian. In order to closely track the real status of such things, WNPP is currently operated as a pseudo-package in the Debian Bug Tracking System (BTS).

Once the package is bought in to Debian sid, you will need to sync it from Debian into the Ubuntu repositories. This can be done by using the requestsync tool : requestsync -d sid --lp <packagename> precise (where precise can be replaced by a Ubuntu Distro which is yet to be released)