Is there any software solution for office ergonomics?

Solution 1:


Workrave is a program that assists in the recovery and prevention of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). The program frequently alerts you to take micro-pauses, rest breaks and restricts you to your daily limit. Please refer to the feature comparison for a complete list of features, and how the program performs with respect to other programs on the market. The program runs on GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows.


Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is an illness which can occur as a result of continuous work with a mouse and keyboard. The risk of suffering injury increases the longer users work without breaks. RSIBreak simply offers reminders to take a break now and then.

After the start it will show up in your system tray and will monitor your activity. Whenever it detects that you have been active for a certain amount of time (configurable) it will prompt you for a break. It has some settings so if you walk away from your keyboard, it can reset the timers, so you will not be bothered with a break right after you return from that coffee break.

You can setup RSIBreak to popup a tiny notification popup to remind you to take a break, but you can also configure it to black out your screen so you can not continue working. All to your liking.

Since this is a KDE app you should see this to make it look native in GNOME.

Solution 2:

It looks like xwrits is another option.

Xwrits reminds you to take wrist breaks, which will hopefully help you prevent repetitive stress injury. It pops up an X window when you should rest; you click on that window, then take a break.