Eclipse's executable file won't run in ubuntu

I just downloaded the eclipse package from the eclipse website in zipped format. I unzipped it in my user directory and set 777 permissions, but double clicking the eclipse executable won't do anything. I tried running the executable file through terminal, but it shows the error:

bash: ./eclipse: No such file or directory

Then I installed eclipse through Ubuntu software center, which runs successfully. Just the downloaded version doesn't run.

I have installed OpenJDK in Ubuntu 10.10. Can anyone please tell what is wrong with my Eclipse?

My OS was actually 64 bit version. And the Eclipse package I downloaded was 32 bit. It seems stupid, but usually 32 bit softwares run without any problem in 64 bit operating systems. So I didn't pay much attention there.

I downloaded the 64 bit version of Eclipse and it works fine.

Thanks @Sergey for the time and patience.

The message from bash suggests that there is no such file - I suggest you to double-check that you're in the correct directory, that execute bit is indeed set etc.

Try invoking it like this:

cd ~/folder/where/you/unpacked-it
chmod +x ./eclipse

Actually, even changing permissions is not necessary - the binary already had executable bit set.

I had the same problem about the Eclipse binary and started to follow the suggestions of this thread. I checked the OS and kernel versions, and tried to change the file permissions. After executing the chmod command I checked with ls -l and the output surprised me: nothing was changed.

After some more tries and a minute to think, I figure out the problem: The eclipse folder was in a directory outside the OS drive. It was on a NTFS drive, and I hadn't any special permission on it.

The easy solution was to take it back to the home/opt folder. But I'm still interested in a solution that enables the execution inside a NTFS partition.