Can I make a CD or DVD to install Microsoft updates?

Say I'm setting up (brand new) multilple PCs at one time and I don't have enough ethernet ports to hook them all up to the internet at once, is it possible to create a CD/DVD of updates that I could use instead? I know you can download update packages and run them as a stand-alone installer... but I would want to deploy them all at once from the CD/DVD without any further user interaction after inserting the disc. Maybe kick off some batch/script to do the deployment.

Take a look at the WSUS Offline Update project. I'm sure it's not Microsoft approved but I'm not aware that it's considered illegal either.

While I think it's possible to make a DVD by copying the Client directory, I think it's probably better to use an External USB drive or else a Flash Drive. It's unclear to me if the updater process needs write access to the directory it runs from. I've used this but have only ever used it on a large Flash Drive or External USB Drive.

You used to be able to slipstream whatever you want into a Windows install disc. Basically, you apply the updates to the install media, then install the OS on the computer, and it has the updates you wanted. This worked for Windows XP, but I think Vista, 7 and 8 use a different method.