Installing "Ubuntu" (Windows Subsystem for Linux) on Win10 without using the Store?

Since I'm not allowed to comment on a flagged Solution (Sorry, kinda not sorry..?) -> Is there a way of installing Ubuntu (Windows Subsystem for Linux) on Win10 (v1709) without using the Store?

My Question: is there a way/Link/URL to Download the "blend" version of Ubuntu? The Microsoft Store offers "Ubuntu 16.04", "Ubuntu 18.04" and just "Ubuntu". I'd like to install the last one, since I'm gonna upgrade the distro to the latesest version anyways. It bothers me to open "Ubuntu 1804" when it's actually 1810, 2004, etc.

Thanks in advance!

Is there a way/Link/URL to Download the "blend" version of Ubuntu?

You would have to download the Appx for Ubuntu. A Microsoft developer submitted links to the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Appx files on Github in the past.

In order to download the version of you want, there is a third-party website (Adguard), that scraps a Microsoft Store page for the download link. If you were to use that website, and provide it a link to Ubuntu, it would provide a link to CanonicalGroupLimited.UbuntuonWindows_1804.2019.521.0_x64__79rhkp1fndgsc.appx