get PIDs of processes from

I have a path to an executable. Assume I want to delete this file.

I need to find all processes launched using this file and kill them. What is the best way to do it?

Maybe lsof (list open files) could help you there.

To list all process that are using a specific file:

lsof /path/to/your/specific/file

Adding the -t option will only return PIDs that use the given file.

So, from there, you can kill all process that are using the specific file :

lsof -t /path/to/your/specific/file | while read PID; do kill -9 $PID; done

Or something like :

kill -9 $(lsof -t /path/to/your/specific/file)

Now, assuming you are in the *nix world, you can use fuser command.

fuser <file_name>

will list you all process pids using the file. To kill processes accessing the file,

fuser -k <file_name>