Non-pejorative term for 'alcohol aficionado'?

Is there a non-pejorative term analogous to "foodie" but in the context of alcoholic drinks? Everything that comes to mind suggests some form of alcoholism or affinity for binge-drinking.

More concretely, I am looking for a term that describes a person that enjoys making or trying new, possibly eclectic drinks, but is not interested in doing so solely for the buzz.

"Foodie" almost fits, but it seems too broad.

Solution 1:

I think you might have to content yourself with words or phrases for lovers of particular types of spirits. For example, an œnophile is a fine word for a wine connoisseur.

I don’t know of corresponding formal words for followers beer or whisky, but there are plenty of catchy circumlocutions for the same.

Solution 2:

It's not perfect, but it's quite fun: liquorist

See for some examples of the problem...

Solution 3:

Food & Wine magazine calls such folks cocktail connoisseurs.

Also note this article that asks, "Are You a Foodie or a Cocktail Connoisseur?"

If you're into the process of creating or formulating such drinks, you're a mixologist.