How do I preload a program for faster start?

install the preload package

with a console type :

sudo apt-get install preload

And that's it. THe package will preload the applications the most used applications after calculating the usage statistic.

preload an application use ram memory and behave differently than "cold" or "warm" start an application.

  • Preload = putting everything in memory from the hard drive. Your application is garanteed to be run as fast as possible.
  • Cold Start = loading from hard drive to the memory
  • Warm Start : reusing what's left on memory and load what's missing from hard drive to ram memory. Your application may run faster if linux didn't had to empty the corresponding cache for another app.

The Cold Start impact is due to the hard drive speed and latency. You can purchase a good SSD drive in order to speed up cold start (it has a real overall impact on the latency of the system)

Best regards.