Get commit list between tags in git

If I've a git repository with tags representing the versions of the releases.

How can I get the list of the commits between two tags (with a pretty format if is possible) ?

Solution 1:

git log --pretty=oneline tagA...tagB (i.e. three dots)

If you just wanted commits reachable from tagB but not tagA:

git log --pretty=oneline tagA..tagB (i.e. two dots)


git log --pretty=oneline ^tagA tagB

Solution 2:

To compare between latest commit of current branch and a tag:

git log --pretty=oneline HEAD...tag

Solution 3:

git log takes a range of commits as an argument:

git log --pretty=[your_choice] tag1..tag2

See the man page for git rev-parse for more info.

Solution 4:

To style the output to your preferred pretty format, see the man page for git-log.


git log --pretty=format:"%h; author: %cn; date: %ci; subject:%s" tagA...tagB

Solution 5:


git log tagA...tagB

provides standard log output in a range.