What is keyboard shortcut to close terminal window? [duplicate]

I'm wondering if there is keyboard shortcut to close terminal window?

Solution 1:

An active terminal will quit if you tell it there's no more input.
That can be done with a quick Control+D.

If you have things running (or something already typed into a terminal input), that won't work. You'll either have exit or clear the line. Control+C will usually work for that.

Alternatively, running exit isn't much of a hardship.

Note that these will bump you out of one layer of shell. If you start this in a subshell of a subshell, logged into something over SSH, it'll take a few goes to close the window.

Solution 2:


If you go to menu FILE > CLOSE WINDOW you will see the shortcut there, and many others

Alternatively, (this is a general approach running I would say any application under GNOME)

ALT + F4