Ubuntu 16.04 or 14.04? [closed]

I am using 16.04 and I have very few problems. On some wi-fi networks when I mount my windows partitions gvfs goes at 100%. Killing the process fixes it with no problems. There are reports of a lot of people having problems with the network manager and wi-fi networks but I haven't seen that. Overall I 'd say 16.04.1 is quite stable.

If I were you before downgrading I would install all the software I need for the course and test them to see they are working fine. If they do then I 'd suggest you stay at 16.04 because of the newer features it has, notable among them better secure boot support.

If you run into any problems and decide to install 14.04 you can get it from here.

There are reasons why Ubuntu update their system. If you don't have any strong will for Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04 will be fine. Also, there are some dependencies that won't work on 14.04.

Maybe problems won't happen when you learn Java, C++, etc. From a further perspective you should install 16.04.

If you are afraid of losing your Windows files. Just use AOMEI Partitioner.(not an ad :D) You can free some space like 20GB from your Windows without losing data. Then use the free space to install Ubuntu and don't let it partition again.