How can I use my W8 tablet as a second monitor?

I have a Windows 8 tablet running the full W8 (read: NOT RT). I know that there are apps for iPad (not sure about Android) that will let your tablet function as a secondary monitor. Is there any way I can use my W8 tablet as a secondary monitor to my W8 desktop?

Solution 1:

The functionalility is not going to be exactly like dual monitors, but there are programs like:

  • Mouse Without Borders

What both of these do is let you share your keyboard, and mouse between two systems using their own displays. It is a great facsimile to extending your your monitors through a seconds system.

Solution 2:

For me having tried Synergy and Input Director, Input Director is far superior for Windows only machines. Both are functionally equivalent and Synergy is the best option for any workspace where you have multiple operating systems that you want to synergize.

ID is dead simple to set up and I haven't had any issues with it while Synergy has yielded perpetual connectivity issues.

Latest version:

Install guide with lots of pictures:

Synergy if interested: