ansible playbook, different user by operating system

Solution 1:

The docs mention performing tasks just for particular operating systems. You could tweak this to set the user for each OS. For example

- hosts: CentOS
  user: centos
  - # some tasks

- hosts: Debian
  user: default
  - # some tasks

- hosts: Ubuntu
  user: ubuntu
  - # some tasks

In the source, it appears that these operating systems are supported, though I could not confirm this in the official documentation at the time of this writing.

  • RedHat
  • Fedora
  • CentOS
  • Scientific
  • SLC
  • Ascendos
  • CloudLinux
  • PSBM
  • OracleLinux
  • OVS
  • OEL
  • Amazon
  • XenServer
  • Ubuntu
  • Debian
  • SLES
  • SLED
  • OpenSuSE
  • SuSE
  • Gentoo
  • ArchLinux
  • Mandriva
  • Mandrake
  • Solaris
  • Nexenta
  • OmniOS
  • OpenIndiana
  • SmartOS

You can also have per-OS variables defined in vars/<os-name>.yaml files and conditionally use them using the ansible_os_family template variable as shown here.

Solution 2:

The CentOS and so on isn't automatic. It's a group over ansible provided variable. Here is a full example, dealing with CentOS plus VM or not VM.

- name: RG Ansible for ALL
  hosts: all
  - name: group by OS versions
    group_by: key="{{ ansible_distribution }}_{{ ansible_distribution_version.split('.')[0] }}"
  - name: group by physical/virtual machine
    group_by: key="{{ ansible_virtualization_role }}"
- name: RG Ansible for CentOS 6
  hosts: CentOS_6
  gather_facts: false
- name: RG Ansible for CentOS 5
  hosts: CentOS_5
  gather_facts: false

- name: RG Ansible for VM
  hosts: guest
  gather_facts: false
  - service: name=acpid state=stopped enabled=no
  - service: name=cpuspeed state=stopped enabled=no

Solution 3:

Specify the user on the command line:

ansible-playbook foo.yml --extra-vars "user=bar"

- user: '{{ user }}'

Specify a different user per host-group in /etc/ansible/hosts


localhost              ansible_connection=local     ansible_connection=ssh        ansible_ssh_user=mpdehaan     ansible_connection=ssh        ansible_ssh_user=mdehaan