Making $121$ with five $0$s

I'm not sure if this type of solution is what you're looking for, but this sort of problem is pretty trivial if you don't restrict the set of allowed operators somehow:

$$ 121 = \tan \arccos \underbrace{\sin \arctan \sin \arctan \cdots \sin \arctan}_{121^2 \textrm{ copies of}\sin \arctan} \cos 0$$

See USAMO 1995.2.

A Perelman-like solution might suffice :

$$121 = -\log_2 \log_2 \underbrace{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{\cdots\sqrt{(0!+0!)!}}}}}_\text{121 copies square roots}$$

Which uses only two $0$'s, next best to betaveros. $$$$