Outlook: scheduling recurring out-of-office?

Solution 1:

Why not just mark all day on Mondays as "out of the office" in your calendar? That status will show up in Outlook and Communicator. People shouldn't expect an "instant" response to email anyway.

Otherwise, it looks like you could get something close to work with either VBA or a custom add-in.

EDIT: Looks like you can get really close by using the Exchange Web Service, see SetUserOofSettings.

Solution 2:

I have been trying to figure this out myself all day, searching forums, and messing around with my outlook.

Finally, I figure out a work around using the rules in Outlook. Below are step by step instructions for the rule I created for an out of office reply to be sent on Tuesdays. I did test this and it did work.

This will only work as a weekly re-occurrence. I am not the most tech savvy, so someone else may be able to create a better work around for nonspecific days of the week re-occurrences.

  1. Go to Rules – Then select Manage Rules and Alerts

  2. Select “New Rule”

  3. Select the Option “Apply rule on messages I receive” Under the category “Start from a blank rule” click next.

  4. Put a check in the box – with specific words in the message header.

  5. Click on the blue underlined words “specific words” a new box will pop up. In this box, type the abbreviation for the day of the week you want this to apply to. I have it set for an out of office reply on Tuesdays, the abbreviation for the days of the week are the first 3 letters, Tuesday = Tue click add, then click ok.

  6. It will take you back to the previous screen, just click next.

  7. Now select “have server reply using a specific message”

  8. Click on the words “a specific message” in the step 2 box. This will open an untitled message. Leave the to, cc, and bcc blank. Fill in the subject line and the body of the email. Below is an example. Then click save and close.

My current schedule has me out of the office on Tuesdays. I will return all calls and emails on Wednesday when I return.

Thank you, Crystal Clifford

  1. This will take you back to the prior window. Make sure the information is how you want it, then click next.

  2. I ran into a little snag, got caught in a loop with IT because we both had an auto reply set up. You can probably do the “except if it is an automatic reply” box only, but I hate bugging my IT department and I don’t want to risk another loop, so I put in a few extras.

  3. Now you are at the final screen. Check your information again. You can name the rule. Make sure there is a check in the box “Turn on This Rule. Then click Finish.

Solution 3:

Here's how you do recurring Out-of-Office

  1. Create a new Calendar Invite/appointment

  2. Put some subject - optional

  3. Make it recurring as desired

  4. In the "Show as" change the default "Busy" to "Out-of-office"

  5. Save the Calendar event


I've put 4-5 everyday, when I commute as Out-Of-Office

Hope this helps!

Solution 4:

I hope I don't break any stackoverflow / superuser rules and it's also not the intention to shamelessly advertise my application.

But I have developed an online application where I try to solve this exact problem.

The tool can help you with the following situations:

  • recurring out of office's for specific days / hours
  • plan upfront on or more one-off out of office's
  • manage multiple out of office messages

More info, https://www.notin.today


note: I am now looking for people who want to use this tool and give feedback. Hands-on feedback so that I can further improve the tool. Thanks!