How to change public directory to public_html directory for Laravel Mix

Solution 1:

@Alfian has answered your question. But the solution you asked for, is not recommended when you are talking about renaming the public folder. You should not really rename your public folder while using Laravel.

But I can understand why you renamed it, to declare the default root folder. But there are better solutions instead of renaming it. And then there will be no such question too.

Best Solution: Upload the Laravel project as it is in the public_html folder. Go to your cPanel and enter Domains/Adon Doamins/Subdomains (which type domain you are using) section and just change the Document Root as /public_html/public. You are done.

Solution 2:

You can change configuration compiled assets directory on webpack config files, by default laravel set webpack at webpack.config.js

Here more documentation about compiling assets laravel

Laravel 8 Compiling Assets