How do I build an import library (.lib) AND a DLL in Visual C++?

Does your DLL project have any actual exports? If there are no exports, the linker will not generate an import library .lib file.

In the non-Express version of VS, the import libray name is specfied in the project settings here:

Configuration Properties/Linker/Advanced/Import Library

I assume it's the same in Express (if it even provides the ability to configure the name).

OK, so I found the answer from says that this problem was caused by not exporting any symbols and further instructs on how to export symbols to create the lib file. To do so, add the following code to your .h file for your DLL.

#define BARNABY_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define BARNABY_API __declspec(dllimport)

Where BARNABY_EXPORTS and BARNABY_API are unique definitions for your project. Then, each function you export you simply precede by:

BARNABY_API int add(){

This problem could have been prevented either by clicking the Export Symbols box on the new project DLL Wizard or by voting yes for lobotomies for computer programmers.

By selecting 'Class Library' you were accidentally telling it to make a .Net Library using the CLI (managed) extenstion of C++.

Instead, create a Win32 project, and in the Application Settings on the next page, choose 'DLL'.

You can also make an MFC DLL or ATL DLL from those library choices if you want to go that route, but it sounds like you don't.

you also should specify def name in the project settings here:

Configuration > Properties/Input/Advanced/Module > Definition File