Devise redirect after login fail
Solution 1:
Create a custom_failure.rb in your lib directory, with:
class CustomFailure < Devise::FailureApp def redirect_url your_path end def respond if http_auth? http_auth else redirect end end end
In you Devise initializer, include:
config.warden do |manager| manager.failure_app = CustomFailure end
Make sure Rails is loadin your lib files, in your application.rb :
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)
Don't forget to restart your server.
I don't think there's an easier way to do this. Good luck.
Solution 2:
If you use your own SessionsController
, you can re-assign the :recall
value of auth_options
to recall the controller#method
you want before running warden.authenticate!(auth_options)
, for example:
in app/controllers/users/sessions_controller.rb
class Users::SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
def create
auth_options = { :recall => 'site#index', :scope => :user }
resource = warden.authenticate!(auth_options)
With this way, you don't need to create the customized FailureApp and modify the configs.