Not able to install the extensions in Google Chrome

Could not install package:

'UTILITY_PROCESS_CRASHED_WHILE_TRYING_TO_INSTALL'. Could not install package because a utility process crashed. Try restarting Chrome and trying again.

Solution 1:

In my case, I simply had to restart Chrome.

You could use this command:

pkill chrome

Chrome was running in the background and not properly restarting. Once I killed the process, I had no problems.

Solution 2:

I have just found this guide for that error, that actually it is a simple way to fix the problem, maybe it will be ok for you.

From the command line:

Go in the home folder and open the .config folder (in this folder are placed the application you have installed such as skype, chrome...)

cd ~/.config

Do a simple backup of the google-chrome directory by renaming it:

mv google-chrome google-chrome-back

And try to run again chrome. It will create a nwe google-chrome directory.

If it does not works try to unistall and install again chrome.

sudo apt-get purge google-chrome
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable