Is it right to say “Ever have I done…? [closed]

Is it right to say “Ever have I done something wrong in my life“ &“Ever have I been to that basketball academy“. So , these are two different examples I have chosen for sentence Ever have I.

haven’t done anything wrong & been to basketball academy. I want to know if my sentences are correct.

Solution 1:

Ever is not a negative polarity item (NPI), and consequently "Ever have I..." is a positive statement where ever can [slightly awkwardly] be replaced by always.

It's particularly poetic: one might expect a statement such as "Ever have I loved her" meaning "I have always loved her". A couple of examples

The counterpart is never: "Never have I done anything wrong." Note the use of anything (another NPI, to match never). To use ever as in "Ever have I..." would need to be "Ever have I done something wrong," meaning "I always get something wrong."

Solution 2:

It is just about possible grammatically to say "Ever have I..." but it would not be normal English and would mean that you were in the habit of doing the thing, for instance "Ever have I brushed my teeth twice a day" would mean that your dental hygiene was good.

I think what you mean to say is "Never have I done anything wrong." which does mean what you want to say, is a bit more common but is still not really normal conversational English.

The most normal things to say would be "I have never done anything wrong" and "I have never been to that baseball academy."