Does this sentence imply that the tenant would only need to deliver the property after the expiration of the tenancy agreement?

I found this sentence in a tenancy agreement:

I guarantee that the Tenant shall deliver up vacant possession of the Property at the expiration or sooner determination of the said Tenancy Agreement or at any time hereafter whenever required by you.

Here "I" refers to the tenant while "you" refers to the landlord.

Does this sentence imply that the tenant would only need to deliver the property after the expiration of the tenancy agreement? Would the tenant need to deliver the property if the landlord demands the delivery before the expiration? I would appreciate it if you could break down the sentence piece-by-piece to make it easier to understand.

My understanding is that "hereafter" means "after the expiration of the tenancy agreement", so "whenever required by you" does not really mean "absolutely anytime" but "anytime after the expiration". Am I correct?

I propose a meaning for this by taking it in two parts.

I guarantee that the Tenant shall deliver up vacant possession of the Property at the [expiration (1) or sooner determination (2)] of the said Tenancy Agreement ...

meaning that vacant possession will be given (1) when the agreement expires

or that

vacant possession will be given (2) at an earlier time than expiration. This is possible if the tenancy is one that may legally be terminated on demand. For example, some tenancies ("tenancies at will") are given indefinitely on the basis that either party may end the arrangement on demand.

Regarding the last part, your interpretation of hereafter as pertaining to time after the expiration is flawed. Had the agreement said thereafter, you might be correct to argue it meant after expiration:



continuing on from a particular point in time, especially after something else has stopped happening

But the agreement says hereafter ...

or at [any time hereafter whenever required by you].



starting from this time; in the future

meaning that vacant possession will be given at any time from now onwards as required by the landlord.

In summary, you give up tenancy when it expires, or when it is determined, or when asked to do so.