What is the best term for 'perspective options'

I believe that you want perspective in the blank, and that you need another word where you’ve used perspective. Perhaps:

To obtain a more complete understanding of what you are focused on, it’s imperative that you include as many measures as possible, including accessibility, dependence, and perspective.

perspective, n.

5. The appearance of viewed objects with regard to relative position, distance from the viewer, etc.
III. Extended uses.
9. a. The relation or proportion in which the parts of a subject are viewed by the mind; the aspect of a subject or matter, as perceived from a particular mental point of view. Now only: a particular attitude towards or way of regarding something; an individual point of view.

Source: Oxford English Dictionary (login required)

measure, n.

IV. A plan, a course of action.
19. A plan or course of action intended to attain some object; a suitable action.
a. In plural. Esp. in to take (also adopt, †follow, pursue) measures . . .

Source: Oxford English Dictionary (login required)