Can't access website or restart apache2 server [closed]

Solution 1:

It's look like you have the file to load mod_authz_default but not the library itself (the file with the .so extension). If you don't need this functionality you should go to your /etc/apache2/mods-enabled directory and delete mod_authz_default.load that should be a symlink to a file of the same name in the /etc/apache2/mods-available/ directory.

This will allow your apache server to start, unless you have other configuration files in the same directory trying to load Apache modules which don't exist anymore. Then repeat the same operation for any subsequent errors. Unfortunately, the start script of Apache cannot tell you at once all errors in the configuration file, it will just report the first one that abort the startup process.

Solution 2:

If you do not require the mod_authz_default module, disable it and try again.

Possibly the module mod_authz_default is corrupted or incorrectly installed.

# a2dismod mod_authz_default

If you require the mod_authz_default, try to reinstall it.