Minimize the chance my email is blocked/filtered as spam

Solution 1:

You can "spoof" their email domain: just make sure they have your mail server's in their SPF records. I do this all the time for clients (on a smaller scale, but I'm sending out hundreds of confirmation e-mails, forum notifications, etc. every day from dozens of different domains; haven't had a problem yet).

Also make sure you have the items mentioned by pQd in place.

Solution 2:

  1. send valid messages - with nice / full headers, proper plain-text part and probably rich-text.

  2. analyze what are the reasons for blocking - if someone uses spamassassin - check which rules were triggered by your mails.

  3. ensure you send mails from server that is not on any blacklist - check it here or here or at other places. if you are blacklisted - find out why and 'drag' your ip out of blacklists.

  4. configure properly rev-dns for your smtp server so it points to existing domain.

  5. make sure you send mails with sender address and return address add spf record to it that permits your smtp to send legitimate messages.

  6. add your self to some white-lists like

Solution 3:

From our fearless leader here. Most applies to regular email as well as code.