Solution 1:

From Technet:

Specifies the X.500 path of the Organizational Unit (OU) or container where the new object is created. ...
The following example shows how to set this parameter to an OU.
-Path "ou=mfg,dc=noam,dc=corp,dc=contoso,dc=com"

Solution 2:

The technet example posted by squillman is the first place I looked but it doesn't really offer any details on how the path is structured. It basically works like this;

Assuming you're trying to target the nested OU MyCountry>Mystate>Users and your domain is your -path parameter would look like this

-Path "OU=Users,OU=Mystate,OU=MyCountry,dc=mycompany,dc=int,dc=com"

Looking at the above you can pretty much see what going on. You target the nested OU by using multiple comma separated "OU=" starting at the specific OU and working your way backwards up the hierarchy.

The dc is also comprised of several comma separated "dc=" elements. To get this you basically break apart your domain at the periods and put each one into it's own dc element. So becomes dc=mycompany,dc=int,dc=com