Wireless/wifi network is not working on ubuntu 12.04 - lenovo z50-70

I just ran below script

wget -N -t 5 -T 10 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/57264241/wireless_script && chmod +x wireless_script && ./wireless_script

and attached the information here at


can anybody help me to fix this wireless issue ?

Solution 1:

Yikes, first get rid of the incorrect driver sudo apt-get purge bcmwl-kernel-source broadcom-sta-common Then install backports

wget -N -t 5 -T 10 https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/projects/backports/stable/v3.18.1/backports-3.18.1-1.tar.xz
tar -xf backports-3.18.1-1.tar.xz
cd ~/backports-3.18.1-1
make defconfig-rtlwifi
sudo make install

And you will need firmware so sudo apt-get install linux-firmware Reboot