How to Remote Desktop from Windows to Lubuntu

I have tried to use the xrdp to remotely connect from Windows to Lubuntu. I have tried several ways and have followed several guides but nothing worked. When trying to connect from Windows I am asked for username and password. I enter them but the only thing that is displayed is some kind of gray screen and the cursor is just an cross. Nothing happens after that.

First open a terminal and enter sudo apt-get install xrdp. When that is installed enter sudo nano /etc/xrdp/ in the terminal. Make sure the last line looks like this:

. /etc/X11/Xsession

Then go to your home folder, rightclick and select Show hidden. If there is no file named .xsession, create it. If there is a filed named like that, open it and make sure that it looks like this when your done: lxsession -e LXDE -s Lubuntu

Now type sudo service xrdp restart in the terminal to restart xrdp. Now it should work :)