Is there any GUI tool to configure /etc/fstab?
I have little experiences in configuring the 'fstab'. I'm looking for any GUI tool that helps me with this. If possible based on gtk and should be available in Debian.
Solution 1:
How about pysdm
Solution 2:
Now Gnome comes with a very powerful tool for this, Disks. (Formerly known as Palimpsest; it looks like phogg's prediction was accurate).
Solution 3:
I use gnome-disk-utility which provides the GUI tool 'Disks'
sudo apt-get install gnome-disk-utility
I'm using this in Linux Mint 17.3 (Ubuntu/Debian based) with cinnamon.
You also mention in a comment that you are not a gnome user, but you have not specified what you are using?
see also: