Find if the installed PHP is threadsafe or nonthreadsafe?

How do I find out whether the installed version of PHP is threadsafe or not thread safe?

Please note that I'm not asking the difference between a threadsafe/non thread safe installation. I would like to find out what is installed currently.

Open a phpinfo() and search for the line Thread safety. For a thread-safe build you should find enable.

As specified in the comments by Muhammad Gelbana you can also use:

  • On Windows : php -i|findstr "Thread"
  • On *nix: php -i|grep Thread

If you prefer to use the command line:

  • *nix:

    php -i | grep -i "Thread"
  • Windows:

    php -i | findstr -i "thread"

This should give you something like this:

Thread Safety => enabled


Thread Safety => disabled

I just find it easier to look at the file named php[version].dll in the root folder of php. Its either php[version].dll or php[version]ts.dll (ts standing for Thread Safe). So, if you have php7.0.10 installed, go to the directory that has this name and you'll find a file named php7ts.dll. This is a very sad way of finding out, but it works!

Then there's the undocumented ZEND_THREAD_SAFE constant, which seems to exist since PHP 4.3.


    echo 'Thread safe';
} else {
    echo 'Not thread safe';