Colorize console output in Intellij products

It has been a while, but in case you are still interested, there is a new plugin for console colorizing: Grep Console.

Colorized build output in IntelliJ

Works nicely with Intellij 12.
Make sure you restart IntelliJ after installing the plugin. After you will see the plugin icon in the top left corner (white-red icon).

It's not supported right now (at least not for all the run configuration types). Please vote for:

  • IDEA-23976 Add ability to color/highlight console output
  • IDEA-69880 Support for colors in console output

Console output of the external tools is fixed to supports ANSI escape sequences to color text.

The colors configurations, mentioned in the other responses, work, if you run a regular application, if you set the following VM option:


Latest IntelliJ, PyCharm and PhpStorm have limited support for console output colorization.

Preferences > Editor > Colors & Fonts > Console Colors

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