My ISP locked me out of my router

Solution 1:

Depending on the ISP, AT&T in america Allows some configurations but not much, Comcast doesn't supply the router, etc.. If you want full control ask what modems works with your ISP and buy that and the router and throw out the rental. You offer the service, not the equipment. That's my motto.

Solution 2:

As a isp we do the same thing with UBNT air routers - this is because people (most people) dont know anything about routers and just make a mess of things when they do try to change any settings - and yes we do own the routers, even if you paid money for it.

Solution 3:

Cincinnati Bell set my new router up like this. The only way to get it unlocked was to call premium support at $14.95 a month to have them unlock it. I feel your frustration. I spent two months battling and even filing complaints with the BBB and State Attorney General office. Bottom line, no one cares - take the advice of someone above, find out which routers work with your ISP - ditch the rental and set yours up the way you want.