Can't install Xcode Command Line Tools on Mountain Lion

I try to install the most recent (july 25) version of Command Line Tools (, downloaded from, but are stopped with the error message "This package can only be installed on OS X 10.7 Install a version of the Command Line Tools that supports OS X 10.8."

But I can't find any better version; if such exist why isn't it on the Developer site?

Solution 1:

You can install the command line tools within XCode.

Open XCode and navigate to the preferences.

From here you have to go to the Downloads-Section. Here you can see the ability to install the command line tools:

enter image description here

EDIT: I can see the right command line tools on the download-page from Apple:

enter image description here

Solution 2:

The best way to find developer tools for your version of XCode is to click on the XCode menu, scroll down to "Open Developer Tool" then select "More Developer Tools..." which will take you to a website displaying the latest developer tools.

See my screenshot:

enter image description here