Present perfect question and past simple question

Look at these two questions:

Has your brother graduated from college?

Did your brother graduate from college?

Now, both of these questions seem fine to me, but I obviously know they are a little different. However, I can’t seem to explain what the slight difference is between these grammatical sentences.

I know that when I use the present perfect, I am expecting an answer of “yes, he has” or “no he hasn’t “ with no specific details of exactly when in the past. But with the simple past, usually there is a specific time in the past and it conveys finality and that it is completely finished at a specific point that the speaker knows the time reference when he/she asks that question. Is there anything else I am missing?

Edit: Both are acceptable to my ear but what would people assume differently if they hear one or the other? Or is it the same?

Edit: Are both acceptable to use depending on the circumstances?

I will answer for US English (not sure if this will hold in UK English).

If I don't have any prior knowledge about the brother, I'd ask, "Did your brother go to college?" (Depending on where the conversation went from there, I might ask, "Did he get his degree?".)

I would probably only ask, "Has your brother graduated from college?" if I happen to know that the brother has some college studies under his belt. Otherwise, I'd ask, "Does your brother have a college degree?" or "Did your brother go to college?" or possibly "Did your brother graduate from college?". The latter form doesn't sound very conversational, though.

If you want to get more authentic you'll want to take into account that nowadays the person might stop after a two-year degree (Associates) -- it's complicated!

If that doesn't address your question, please clarify.