Synonym for blindly, without worry

I'm looking for a synonym for blindly and without worry, but without a negative connotation of a word like mindlessly.

I would blindly hand my necklace to Tom to deliver. (without fearing he would steal it)

Solution 1:

I see there is an accepted answer, but since the ask was for a single word, I also want to suggest:

I would freely hand my necklace to Tom to deliver.

I would readily hand my necklace to Tom to deliver.

I would gladly hand my necklace to Tom to deliver.

all of which can mean willingly and without hesitation

Solution 2:

There are a number of options.

I would unhesitatingly hand my necklace to Tom to deliver.

Without a second thought, I would hand my necklace to Tom to deliver.

I wouldn't think twice about handing my necklace to Tom to deliver.

I wouldn't hesitate to hand my necklace to Tom to deliver.

Solution 3:

Given the example sentence, the first word that came to my mind is blithely.

lacking due thought or consideration : casual, heedless blithe unconcern a blithe disregard for the rights of others

While 'blindly' doesn't fit perfectly (as 'blithely' implies lack of care while 'blindly' implies lack of ability), I would argue it could still fit if you were to consider it as doing something while blind to the consequences.

Solution 4:

Since you're describing your trust in the receiver rather than an indifference to the necklace's well-being I would use this:

I would confidently hand my necklace to Tom to deliver.

Solution 5:

Consider "insouciantly." Wiktionary offers this definition of "insouciant":

Casually unconcerned; carefree, indifferent, nonchalant.


1913 August, L[ucy] M[aud] Montgomery, “The Christmas Harp”, in The Golden Road, Boston, Mass.: The Page Company, published April 1926, OCLC 150594789, pages 31–32:

When we left the Marr house, he [Peter] had boldly said to Felicity, "May I see you home?" And Felicity, much to our amazement, had taken his arm and marched off with him. […] As for me, I was consumed by a secret and burning desire to ask the Story Girl if I might see her home; but I could not screw my courage to the sticking point. How I envied Peter his easy, insouciant manner!