Is it possible to run Angular JS as a micro frontend in an Angular container micro frontend?

I am doing research on how to move our app's front end monolith in to a micro frontend architecture. All the documentation I see around AngularJS and micro frontend usually talk about using the UpgradeModule that Angular provides and how to slowly take out Angular JS components while running the app in a Hybrid state.

This is not what I am trying to do. At this point we do not want to invest in migrating AngularJS components into Angular 8+. We are trying to have a micro frontend Architecture with an Angular 8 app as the container app (Handles navigation, auth, header, footer) and then have our AngularJS monolith as a web component that lives inside the Angular 8 Container. Is this possible? And if it is how?

Solution 1:

Did you try using the single-spa library? It has helpers to integrate different frameworks like AngularJS. Look here.