"the ride never ends"

Solution 1:

"The ride never ends" is an expression used to refer to life, a life of specific kind (e.g., a life of crime), a career, a chronic medical condition, an emotional state, a book, etc. compared explicitly to a roller coaster ride (both having ups and downs) or seen as some kind of endless ride, e.g., a carousel, going round and round.

The expression can refer to the good/bad, positive/negative experiences or feelings a person actually undergoes or the range of emotions one experiences in a TV series or book (all ostensibly "desirable", even if harrowing or sad). Judging from Google Books, it appears the expression began in the 1990's. See the last example for bulletin-board usage.

I have seen firsthand the link between anxiety and depression. The possibility for the chronically anxious person to become depressed is real and the reasons an be compelling. Earlier I likened the anxious state to being constantly on red alert. The mind and the body are in a heightened condition all the time. However, unlike the temporary thrill of a roller coaster, this ride never ends. G. Jantz and A. McMurray; Overcoming Anxiety, Worry, and Fear (2011)

Emotionally, life as an alcoholic is a roller-coaster ride. The only problem is the ride never ends. Joy Wingersky et al.; Writing Paragraphs and Essays (1994)

Grieving really is like a giant hill on a roller coaster ride. I am either going up or down, and the ride never ends...at least right now. Carol Hetherington; Beyond the Valley (2009)

But it also takes us into the heart of the writer: and that journey, with its beauty and compassion , its conscience and courage , is so thrilling that we hope the ride never ends. G. Roberts, blurb for Carl Hoffman; The Lunatic Express (2011)

I hope you are as excited as I am to gon this journey. It's going to be a hell of a ride. Something to keep in mind, this ride never ends. It's a way of eating, a way of fueling your body that can last a lifetime. Autumn Calabrese; Lose Weight Like Crazy Even If You Have a Crazy Life! (2020)

"One moment, My Soul to Keep will have you laughing out loud, and the next you'll be under the covers with a flashlight, questioning unseen things, and hoping the ride never ends..." Creston Mapes, blurb in Melanie Wells; My Soul to Keep (2009)

To someone who aspires to be a Principal Or Expert Artist, remember to keep the drive of always working to be better and love the challenge of that. The ride never ends until it ends. Chris Wells in Paul Jones; Game Artist: The Ultimate Career Guide (2021)

They get on the caregiving carousel and find the ride never ends. I call them career caregivers. Sherri Snelling; A Cast of Caregivers (2013)

It has been like a wild roller coaster ride, up and down with twists and turns, but the ride never ends. Not until death. Michael Gambino; The Honored Society (2001)

You can say they "Keep Calm and Flutter On"! Or, as some on 4chan's/mlp/ board would put it, “the ride never ends.” And who can blame them for sticking around: In Dr. Plante's opinion, the show's eighth season was among its best! Patrick Edwards et al.; Meet the Bronies (2019)