Word for a feeling about something you weren't supposed to see [closed]

Solution 1:

abashed (adj.)

Feeling or caused to feel discomfited or disconcerted, esp. as a result of a sudden sense of shame or embarrassment. OED

Made to feel uncomfortable, disconcerted, or embarrassed by something that has happened or been done or said

I stood back, abashed, wondering what I'd done wrong. m-w

Embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed. Lexico

Abashed is broader in meaning than ashamed and embarrassed, as the definitions show. You might feel ashamed for reading someone's diary and perhaps embarrassed or uncomfortable, but not ashamed, if you are cc'd by mistake on an email that contains revealing personal information.

He doesn't give her time to stop him. 'I read her diary.'
Angie groans. 'Oh, Dad. You didn't.
He's abashed. 'I know. I didn't meant to—well, I suppose I did, but I didn't know what I was looking for. Anything that shed some light.' Paul Carroll; Don't Ask

It is perhaps unfortunate that the only personal reign known to the public should have included all the major failures of our intelligence service; but Sir Percy is not abashed at this unfortunate coincidence. Hugh Trevor-Roper and E.D. Harrison; The Secret World: Behind the Curtain of British Intelligence

The Barber looked greatly abashed at this rebuke, and a little alarmed at the notion of learning so deep a mystery, and the two walked along in a solemn silence. S. N. Cleghorn, D. C. Fisher; Fellow Captains