What do you call the layout that organizes the decorative moldings and ornamental features of a building?

In french it's called Modénature. Is there an equivalent in English ?

Exemple de modénature style neoclassique Exemple de modénature

Solution 1:

As Edwin suggests in a comment, there is at lot of mix and match as seen in Google Books, e.g. design elements, ornamental features, design features, architectural elements, etc. However, I think your choice of the word layout is a good one to refer to the whole and the way the elements relate to each other. Examples from Google Books:

facade layout

Facade components are extracted from the facade layout and organized as a repetitive shape tree. Nadia Thalmann; Intelligent Scene Modeling and Human-Computer Interaction

Cornices, an important element of the façade layout, were built in various motifs such as zigzag, leaf motif, geometric pattern, triangular motif, inverted and flat half circle and sea shell. Nabil Mohareb et al. Cities Vocabulary

Rather, 70 % less glass should be understood as 70 % more freedom in facade layout. Marcel Bilow; International Façades

Though windows disposition responds primarily to functional requirements the result is not random as it complies with legible structured guidelines of façade layout. G. Salvendy and ‎W. Karwowski; Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics

While the planned second tower for the Palazzo Pubblico indicates a desire to impose symmetry onto the façade layout of the city hall, the completion of the Cappella di Piazza introduced sophisticated all'antica architectural sculpture onto the Campo. Fabrizio Nevola; Siena: Constructing the Renaissance City

Therefore, in the painted restoration, the choices should increase the expressive possibilities of the buildings, helping to better show the context of the other architectural elements of the facade layout, deeply connected with the colour, and to communicate the idea of architecture that the building aimed to express. Camilla Mileto et al.; Vernacular and Earthen Architecture

Fig. 2. Facade layout The Structural Engineer, Vol. 79. n.1

Solution 2:

Here are two sites that offer multiple examples of how modénature has been translated into English:


From the latter link, one example is modénature classique --> classical ornamental treatment.

Both of those sites seem to be assembled by machine, so they aren't authoritative in any way.