How to read binary files byte by byte in Node.js

What is the best way to read part of a binary file in Node.js?

I am looking to either access specific bytes in the "header" (less than the first 100 bytes) or read the file byte by byte.

Here is an example of the first 100 bytes from a file descriptor returned by

var fs = require('fs');'file.txt', 'r', function(status, fd) {
    if (status) {
    var buffer = Buffer.alloc(100);, buffer, 0, 100, 0, function(err, num) {
        console.log(buffer.toString('utf8', 0, num));

This is another option

const fs = require('fs');

const fileName = 'something.bin'

Requirements ex:
Content in 512 bytes chunks. 
Send the 512 bytes packet as a 1024 char string, where each byte is sent as a 
2 hex digits. 
An "addr" field starts from 0 and tracks the offset of the first byte of the 
function chunk(s, maxBytes) {
    buf.slice([start[, end]])
    start <integer> Where the new Buffer will start. Default: 0.
    end <integer> Where the new Buffer will end (not inclusive). Default: buf.length.
    Returns: <Buffer>

  let buf = Buffer.from(s);  
  const result = [];
  let readBuffer = true
  let startChunkByte = 0
  let endChunkByte = maxBytes
  while(readBuffer) {
    // First round
    startChunkByte === 0 ? endChunkByte = startChunkByte + maxBytes : ""

    //Handle last chunk
    endChunkByte >= buf.length ? readBuffer = false : ""

    // addr: the position of the first bytes.  raw: the chunk of x bytes
    result.push({"addr":startChunkByte,"raw":buf.slice(startChunkByte, endChunkByte).toString('hex')});

    startChunkByte = endChunkByte
    endChunkByte = startChunkByte + maxBytes
  return result;

fs.readFile(fileName, (err, data) => {
  if (err) throw err;
  // Let's choose 512 bytes chunks
  const arrBinChunk =  chunk(data, 512)
  arrBinChunk.forEach(element => console.log(element))

  //Tests - should be able to see 1024, 1024, as per riquerements
  arrBinChunk.forEach(element => console.log(element.raw.length))