Restructuring the case-by-case analysis to be explicit and avoid duplicate sentences

I am working on my thesis (in computer science) and this is the paragraph I am struggling with. I am wondering is there a way to avoid duplication and yet have a case-by-case description?

Maybe if there is a way to say the same as above or combine two cases. Not sure.

The following case-by-case description analyzes each scenario.

  • circular visit inside of circular visit: no fixed point loop is needed as it is left to parent visit to repeat evaluation and naturally parent fixed-point loop will include child visit as well.
  • non-circular visit in circular visit: no fixed-point loop is needed and visit has to evaluate only once.
  • non-circular visit in non-circular visit: no fixed-point loop is needed and visit has to evaluate only once.
  • circular visit in non-circular visit: fixed-point loop is needed.

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