What's up with "paused" applications in Launchpad?

When I activate Launch on both my Mavericks and Mountain Lion systems, a few of the application icons are (seemingly permanently) greyed out and marked "Paused" with an empty progress bar.

enter image description here

It isn't hurting anything, but it's weird.

Any idea why?

Solution 1:

It seems as if the download was started from the App Store and it was paused for some reason. There are two ways that you can get it to not say that anymore.

  1. Single Click on the icon to resume the download.
  2. Click and hold, the press the "X" on the top left corner of the app to delete it. (Reinstall from the App Store is optional.)

Hope that helps!

Solution 2:

First, open App Store and try

Store > Check for Unfinished Downloads...

Mine said there wasn't any, but apps restarted downloading.