How can I make this sentence more parallel in structure? (Example below)

In particular, the consumption of water allows chemical reactions to take place, substances to be readily transported, body temperature to be regulated, and tissues to be protected and lubricated in the body.

I noticed that the three remaining points used to be + past tense of verb whereas the first one didn't really followed that structure...

Please feel free to rephrase the entire sentence too! Depending on what would be the best way to phrase it :D

Solution 1:

If you just need a passive infinitive to make the first item parallel to the others' passive infinitives (to be readily transported, to be regulated, to be protected and lubricated), try:

allows chemical reactions to be initiated

Or you can make the whole thing active voice:

In particular, the consumption of water allows the body to initiate chemical reactions, transport substances, regulate body temperature, and protect and lubricate tissues.