How to disable the Java "Security Warning" popup?

Solution 1:

Setting that option to Disable verification will remove that pop-up. Yes it's a security risk, but I'm fairly sure that disabled was the default level of security of the previous Java versions. I'm sure the pop-up does provide some extra security, but in an environment where each vendor rolls their own crazy web apps and the updates are few and far between, this is more of a hassle than security. Unfortunately this setting appears to be controlled by a file under each users profile. Specifically C:\Users\username\AppData \LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\ . I can't think of a way off the top of my head to push this setting via group policy. If someone comes up with a solution, please post it in the comments. Until then we will be sticking with Java 6 Update 19 for our environment.


Solution 2:

Put a text document in this location named c:\windows\sun\Java\deployment\

Despite what Java documentation says, you do not need the deployment.config file unless you want to use the manditory setting.

This file will change the default for every user on the computer, even if they already have a file in their appdata folder. You can verify that the settings are taking effect when you open the java 32 control panel since it reads the settings then.

Here are some of the things we put in our file.

#disables the java desktop shortcut on install - might not be required for modern versions

#tells sets security level to it's minimum "MEDIUM" to allow for apps to run on outdated java versions

#disabled certificate checking so that java apps load much faster.  Java still checks the certificate
#blacklist though so the certificate is still used.

#moves the user trusted certificates store to a shared location so we can pre-approve controls\:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre7\\security\\trusted.certs

The last bit is the best way to get rid of "do you want to run this app" boxes. Once you set the trusted.certs location to a shared location, create your own trusted.certs file by manually going to the process of checking the box "don't show this again". They deploy this trusted.certs file to all your machines with this file and viola, no more security pop-ups.

Note that the extra slashes in the path are required. Colons are reserved characters and the backslash is the escape character.

Solution 3:

I am using java 7 update 17. What you can do is check the box "Do not show this again for this app" (the check-box on the image you provided). You could also try to change the settings in Java Control Panel but i am not sure if it will work: In Java Control Panel on the Security Tab change the security-level from High to Medium or Low and then go to the Advance Tab and check "Hide Warning and run with protections" or if it does not work then choose "disable verification".

Solution 4:

Which Java version are you using ?

Oracle introduced new security features to its Java web browser plug-in when it released Java 7 Update 11 on December 11, 2012.

You could go back to an earlier version from 2012, as security is not too important in an intranet environment.

With an earlier version, adjusting the security level in the control panel may be easier.

Solution 5:

To control JAVA default action, better configure all settings on system level.

C:\Windows\Sun\Java\Deployment. you need 4 files

@ deployment.config

@ --

@ exception.sites

@ Most importantly you need a trusted.cert certificate file to disable that message box

This will give all users on that PC the same settings.

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