Chrome - Why am I automatically authenticated to a web app even after clearing browser cookies?

Solution 1:

I have same issue. I used to log on to one web site with credentials and now I can't log on using any others. When I log off and try to log on again Chrome puts Authorization header automatically without asking. The site uses local users database (no AD but plain .htpasswd file) and uses Basic authentication.

Already tried cleaning all cookies and saved passwords. No luck. And this happens only on Chrome and only on one PC (on other PCs in Chrome with my Google account it works properly and asks for credenticals after logon)

I've found a workaround for the issue as my main goal was to authenticate as different user. I have run the Fiddler and enabled breakpoints there. So upon request with Authorization header I've forced 401 response and thus made authentication window to appear. Then I've provided necessary credentials and my problem was fixed.

However it doesn't answer the question where those credentials are stored

Solution 2:

That site is probably using local storage[1][2] which is like cookies for HTML5.

It has been asked, how to clear the local storage, but unfortunately, Chrome does not currently include local storage in the Clear Browsing Data dialog. In the meantime, you can do it manually by deleting the file(s) corresponding to that site under the Local Storage folder of your User Data Directory.