Jupyter command `jupyter-lab` not found

Solution 1:

Its the space. Its always the space. Never ever use spaces within package name. Its always either namepart1-namepart2 or namepart1namepart2. This is because arguments are separated by space. So if you put space in between, it makes pip think that you want to install two different packages named jupyter and lab. Just use:

python -m pip install jupyterlab

Or simply:

pip install jupyterlab

No need to uninstall or reinstall anything. However to run jupyter lab server you might want to add spaces as follows:

jupyter lab

Solution 2:

In my case, the only way to fix this was to add the following directory to the PATH in Linux:


Solution 3:

I had the same error on Windows 10. It was with pip install jupyterlab. Then after the error I uninstalled it with pip and reinstalled with "pip install jupyterlab". Everything worked flawlessly thereafter.

In your case you're using pip3. Try it as above or see if pip3 needs an update.

Solution 4:

When installing jupyterlab, we may get warning like this:

Installing collected packages: jupyterlab
  WARNING: The scripts jlpm, jupyter-lab, jupyter-labextension and jupyter-labhub are installed in '/home/tln/.local/bin' which is not on PATH.
  Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.
Successfully installed jupyterlab-3.0.14

So as per this warning, scripts like jupyter-lab will be unavailable unless added to the PATH.

Use below command to add these scripts to be able to use from command line:

tln@tln-X550LD:~$ export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"

That's it. This worked fine for me.

Solution 5:

I had same issue. I solved it running pip install jupyterlab in prompt with admin privilegies.