If |f| is Riemann integrable, then f is Riemann integrable???

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So i am stuck here.. how do i prove the first & second inequalities?

Also if |f| is Riemann integrable, then f is Riemann integrable.

I think it's ture but i dont know how to prove it.

any hints would be appreciated! Thank You

Solution 1:

Answer is No.

Counter Example:

Define $f:[0, 1]\rightarrow \mathbb R$ as follows $f(x)= 1$ if $x\in (\mathbb R - \mathbb Q ) \cap[0,1]$; $f(x)= - 1$ if $x\in \mathbb Q \cap [0,1]$. Then $|f|\in R[0,1]$(as being a continuous function) but $f \not \in R[0,1]$ (choosing partition one can conclude by definition).