Server returns invalid timezone. Go to Advanced tab and set servertimezone property manually

Solution 1:

In the Database tool window, right click on the data source, choose Properties (Shift+Enter), click on the Advanced tab.

Set the serverTimezone property to UTC.

See also the corresponding documentation page.


Solution 2:

@CrazyCoder is correct but here is a more details answer:

In DataGrip right click on your database drop down menu click on Properties then go to Advanced and slowly look for severTimeZone as in this attachement below:

enter image description here

Don't forget to click on apply and test again it should work.


Solution 3:

I had same problem. Running

SET GLOBAL time_zone = '+8:00';

on MySql command line solved the problem!

Solution 4:

You need to set 'serverTimezone' with 'UTC'. But use upper case!

Open Properties, in mac use (Command + ;), click on the Advanced tab.

enter image description here